Three short jetties, at the right angels to each other. No fancy stuff. Everything built as cheaply as possible. Straightforward and functionalistic. This was how the harbour was build – as a typical expression of the economical depression of the thirties.

The harbour owes its existence to one man in particular, shopkeeper J.P. Lauritsen. After his death in 1940 the fishermen erected a monument in memory of him. At the inaugeration in 1939, 40 to 50 boats crowded the harbour. Since then larger boats and the increasing engine power have made it possible for fewer and fewer fishermen to catch more and more fish.

This development has made fishing so efficient, that it has almost emptied the Limfjord of its fish – and its fishermen. Now there are less than a dozen boats left. Half of there spend most of the year fishing outside the Fiord, and the rest catch mussels and not fish. But mussel cleaning are still an important activity, and all the commotion connected to this attracts the yachting people in the course of the summer.

And the yachting people hold the key to the future of the harbour. In 1989 an EEC grant made it possible to build another two jetties and thereby double the capacity of the harbour and make place for 70 boats in total. In connection with yacht harbour there is a modern service-center with Toilets, Bath, Washing machines and dry cleaner and in the same building a cafeteria.